Sponsorship Opportunities
Whether you are a parent of a child, a coach or just someone who likes the look of what we are doing as a club, we are always on the lookout for sponsors to help in our efforts to provide our squads with tools to be the best and look the best.
Our current kit supplier EV2 have helped us produce bespoke kits which give us a uniformed look throughout our age groups, and any prospective sponsors logo can be designed and incorporated into the kits giving the sponsor publicity across the North East. As well as the Logo being displayed on our kits, we also look to have the sponsor recognised across our social media channels regularly. Framed shirts and photo opportunities are also the norm and should be discussed with the age group coaches during negotiations.
Our Training Ground at Persley Park has also now been approved to display sponsor banners around the pitch area so further opportunities for sponsors to have their company advertised in an affluent area of Aberdeen.
For further details please click below